The Importance of Consent in a Yoga Class

This week we are talking about consent in a yoga class and the responsibility that comes with holding space for survivors. While a yoga class can be a life-changing resource for survivors, there is also potential for harm if consent is not at the center.

“By creating a culture of consent, we can feel more confident that we are not causing harm in a space that is supposed to be healing. If someone does not truly feel safe in a practice space, healing may not be possible.”  Sophia Holly, Exhale to Inhale Program Manage

Consent is just one of the many pieces that make Exhale to Inhale classes effective spaces for healing.  

With just a little over a week left in Sexual Assault Awareness month, we ask if you will please join us  by making a donation to help us continue our mission. 

Let’s Talk About Consent with Natasha Johnson

Join Natasha Johnson, Founder and Executive Director at Globalizing Gender, & Trauma-Informed Yoga Instructor for a discussion on consent in a Yoga Class. Natasha shares some practical tips that yoga instructors can follow to ensure body autonomy is valued in a yoga class.

Solace and the City Podcast with Exhale to Inhale Volunteer and Conversation Starter, Maritza Puello

Throughout April, Zoe Scurletis, host of the Solace and the City podcast will be teaming up with Exhale to Inhale Community members to share stories of survivorship and the journey to long-term healing. This week features Maritza Puello, Media Consultant, Well-being Coach, Meditation and Yoga Teacher.

5-Minutes to Anchor

In an effort to support our community through these honest and sometimes difficult conversations, we're sharing a quick practice that you can do from anywhere. 


Join Exhale to Inhale Training Associate, Teaching Specialist, and Trainer, Amy Apgar, for a 5-minute practice with a focus on "Resilience." No yoga mat or yoga experience required.

Conversations in Community


Why Should All Spaces Be Trauma-Informed?


How Yoga Helps Survivors Reconnect with Their Body